Coffee is bad for men in stressful meetings

The British Psychological Society blog points to a study by Lindsay St. Claire and colleagues that suggests coffee is bad…

13 years ago

Alternatives to Coffee: Yerba mate

Yerba mate is a plant that is native to South America where it is a popular beverage. The leaves contain…

13 years ago

Give up coffee for 30 days

This is a great (and short) talk by Matt Cutts from Google where he talks about a great approach to…

13 years ago

The best productivity tip ever

According to Nick Luft, if you're looking for the silver bullet on how to be more effective, work efficiently and…

13 years ago

Giving up coffee is easier than we imagine

In the low-carber forum, Nancy LC describes how she had been imagining who completely awful The Day That She Gave…

15 years ago

Coffee linked to miscarriage

Although there is no link to the original source of the study, talks about how coffee significantly increases the…

15 years ago

5 ways to stay alert without coffee has a great list of ways to remain energetic and alert without coffee:1. A low starch diet2. Eat small…

15 years ago

Coffee and chronic fatigue

B boy at the Gaire site talks about his chronic tiredness, and suspects the 5 cups of coffee before 2pm…

15 years ago

Giving up coffee for runners

SpeedyGeoff is an Australian-based blog about running. In the post below he discusses that while there is some help coffee…

15 years ago

Coffee and acid reflux

Romance writer Emjai Colbert writes passionately about her love of coffee, but still has decided to give up coffee. Not…

15 years ago