Johann Sebastian Bach wrote a cantata called ‘Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht’ (Be still, stop chattering) around 1732.
Insomnia costing US economy $63 billion per year
The Daily blog says that 23% of Americans suffer from insomnia, and this translates to $63 billion of lost productivity each year. An employee suffering from insomnia loses around 11 days a year in work — not because they call in sick, but because they don’t complete as much as they otherwise would. The loss […]
Coffee is bad for men in stressful meetings
The British Psychological Society blog points to a study by Lindsay St. Claire and colleagues that suggests coffee is bad for men who are trying to collaborate or negotiate in stressful circumstances. The study found that the caffeine undermined their performance and confidence.
Alternatives to Coffee: Yerba mate
Yerba mate is a plant that is native to South America where it is a popular beverage. The leaves contain caffeine and it’s prepared by steeping dry leaves in hot (rather than boiling) water. In some regions it is also drunk cold.
Give up coffee for 30 days
This is a great (and short) talk by Matt Cutts from Google where he talks about a great approach to cultivating bad habits. Just try something for 30 days. The thinking is that it’s a short enough time that it’s not overwhelming, but long enough to appreciate, and potentially extend, the new behaviour.
The best productivity tip ever
According to Nick Luft, if you’re looking for the silver bullet on how to be more effective, work efficiently and get things done, you can’t go past simply giving up coffee. Although he’d read loads of tips and tricks on how to stay focused, he still ‘felt buzzy and easily distracted’. And then I decided […]
Coffee linked to miscarriage
Although there is no link to the original source of the study, talks about how coffee significantly increases the risk of miscarriage: Are you aware of the scientific fact that drinking coffee before and during pregnancy doubles the risk of miscarriage? Studies have found that drinking as little as one cup of coffee per […]
5 ways to stay alert without coffee has a great list of ways to remain energetic and alert without coffee: 1. A low starch diet2. Eat small meals throughout the day3. Start your day with an enzymatic fruit.4. The Power of H2O5. Avoid sugary snacks
Coffee and chronic fatigue
B boy at the Gaire site talks about his chronic tiredness, and suspects the 5 cups of coffee before 2pm are to blame. He lists some of his symptoms of adrenal fatigue. 1. Excessive fatigue and exhaustion, chronic fatigue 2. Non-refreshing sleep 3. Sleep disturbance, insomnia