Reasons why you should give up coffee

The following articles list the benefits to giving up coffee. Coffee effects us physically, mentally and emotionally, but everyone has a slightly different experience.

Coffee is the world’s most popular psychoactive drug, but most people don’t know how much they are consuming. Caffeine in food and drinks is addictive yet completely unregulated, It is often hidden in food and drinks, yet contributes to palpitations, panic attacks, hypoglycemia, gastritis, fatigue, insomnia and PMS. We also need to understand the role of caffeine in cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal disorders and women’s health.

There is often a caffeine connection to hyperactivity, learning and behaviour disorders, cancer, heart disease, ulcers, headaches, allergies, birth defects and more.

Set out below are all articles explaining Reasons why you should give up coffee.

Coffee and acid reflux

Romance writer Emjai Colbert writes passionately about her love of coffee, but still has decided to give up coffee. Not an easy decision, but this is one of those where she had little choice but to put her health first:

Caffeine Blues

If you really want to know more about caffeine from a nutritional perspective, there are few higher rated books on the subject that Caffeine Blues, written by nutritional biochemist Stephen Cherniske. Cherniske claims that people who consume more than 300 milligrams of caffeine per day are victims of caffeinism: a state of chronic toxicity resulting […]

Breaking through the misinformation

MSNBC attempts to break through the preconceptions, assumptions, hearsay and misinformation on a whole range of health issues, and is somewhat realistic about how inconclusive the effects of caffeine are. That said, some effects are without question, as the quote below highlights.

Caffeine may boost miscarriage risk

CNN Health has a report on a recent study that caffeine may boost a risk of miscarriage. A new study has found that pregnant women who consumed more than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day, equivalent to about two cups of coffee, had twice the risk of miscarriage as the women who consumed no caffeine […]

Diabetics urged to cut out coffee

The National Health Service site in the UK has a story about how a new study has urged Diabetes sufferers to quit coffee. The story was also covered by a number of newspapers in the UK. The newspaper reports that an American study has shown that “a daily dose of caffeine raises blood sugar by […]

Coffee Nerves

Everything Old blog features a fantastic vintage commercial for a caffeine-free drink. Amazing that people were wise to negative effects of coffee 50 years ago, yet nobody really thinks about it now… Are you often cranky, irritable – easily upset?… While many folks can stand caffein, others suffer sleeplessness, nervousness, indigestion.

How coffee causes exhaustion, fatigue and addiction

Naturalnews give a great account of the rollercoaster we put ourselves through each day we start with caffeine. There’s some great additions from Stephen Cherniske, author of Caffeine Blues.

Why does caffeine make me sleepy?

Coffee is traditionally thought of as a pick-me-up, but many people find that it can actually make them feel tired. Caffeine seems to affect people in different ways, but overall there are 3 main reasons this happens.