How to Quit a Bad Habit

Lifehack has some great tips on How to Quit a Bad Habit. It explores how the idea of quitting itself makes it hard alone, and there are many mind games we play with ourselves before we commit to a course of action.

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Napping is more effective than caffeine

The New York Times reports of a study of 61 people, where those who took a 2-hour afternoon nap did better at repeating verbal, perception, and motor-skill tests than those given caffeine or a placebo. Those who had caffeine had worse motor skills than those who napped or had a placebo. In the perceptual task, […]

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Half and half

The Style And Beauty Doctor has a tip for weaning yourself off in their article about The Sleep Diet: If you’re a die-hard coffee addict, cutting yourself off at 2:30 P.M. may seem cruel and unnecessary, but trust the experts here – caffeine does affect your sleep in subtle ways, even if you can’t feel […]

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Why does caffeine make me sleepy?

Coffee is traditionally thought of as a pick-me-up, but many people find that it can actually make them feel tired. Caffeine seems to affect people in different ways, but overall there are 3 main reasons this happens.

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